
32GW Solar PV Power plants are being monitored by Aeron Systems

Aeron Systems takes pride in informaing that, our weather monitoring station (WMS) are now monitoring more than 32000 MW (32GW) of Solar PV power plants across the globe.  Aeron establishes itslef as a market leader in the performance analysis of solar power plants based on real-time weather monitroing. 

Aeron thrives to constanatly innovate its products and offerings to customers complying to the latest IEC61724-1:2021 standard. The products offerd are of highest quality, gurantees reliability and independent operations at the remotest site anywhere in the world. 

Aeron continues to develop quality products in India, catering the global market. 

For any suggestions and feedback, feel free to write us at [email protected]

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20 Sep, 2017

5000 MW and Counting