Smart agriculture practices require weather data and soil data at the farm level for irrigation scheduling, harvesting, pesticide spraying, forecasting onset of the diseases, and many other activities with the goal of maximizing yield and reducing operational expenditure.
The Automatic Weather Station from Aeron collects a wide range of data related to soil conditions and weather patterns. This coupled with forecasts allows farmers to intervene at the right points in time during the agriculture cycle.
Rugged outdoor data logger for agricultural and meteorological applications
Interactive and User-friendly cloud platform to view and manage data.
by Aeron Systems
Crop produce around the world is largely dependent on local weather conditions. Other than few crops which are cultivated in greenhouses or controlled environments, most of the agricultural activity is very closely linked to atmospheric conditions.
by Aeron Systems
Automatic weather stations are extensively used to collect data from sites and locations which are remote, difficult to access or even from other locations to save the human labor and avoid human error.